about t Û f C R E A T I F
This website contains the documentation of variety of works which were realised for the people who, regardless of their conscious acts, have inherently decided that "the work" needed to be carried into reality.  
What is it? T-U-F?
It's the imaginary frontier within the urban spaces, where art encounters society and faces it. Then almost angrily shouts at it. Finally, stops and thinks. 
Consequently, finds a way through that, beautifully created, ugly situation.
The various results of creative efforts showcased across this web-site are derived from that epic encounter. Hope you have a slight "negligence in prejudgements" and some interest in appreciation of aesthetics...
TUFCREATIF is ready to answer questions, consider proposals and definitely open for discussions. Just send an e-mail!​​​​​​​
or see if you are going to like some of the extra work on other platforms;
TÛFCREATIF, creatif.t-u-f.work © 2024 by T-U-F.work  /  Licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International   /  tact@t-u-f.work​​​​​​​​​​​​​​